Blackwing Lair

Peons > Science Dragons

We removed our Blackwing Lair loot priorities in Phase 5. They are listed below only for historical value.

General loot priorities

  • Axes to fury wars
  • Swords to rogues
  • Daggers to tanks and then to rogues for pvp

Specific loot priorities

Item Priority (in no particular order, except when bold)
Angelista’s Grasp  
Archimtrios’ Ring of Reconing  
Ashjre’thul, Crossbow of Smiting HUNT
Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood HUNT, 2h Fury WAR
Band of Forced Concentration LOCK, MAGE, Shadow PRIEST
Black Ash Robe  
Black Brood Pauldrons  
Boots of the Shadow Flame Bear MT, Enh SHAM, ROGUE, Fury WAR
Bracers of Arcane Accuracy LOCK, MAGE, sPRIEST
Chromatic Boots Tank WAR, Fury WAR
Chromatically Tempered Sword ROGUE, DW Fury WAR
Circle of Applied Force  
Claw of Chromaggus Resto SHAM, LOCK, Mage, rDruid - (those who do not have Mageblade or better)
Claw of the Black Drake  
Cloak of Firemaw ROGUE, HUNT, Bear DRUID
Cloak of the Brood Lord Caster DPS, HEAL
Crul’shorukh, Edge of Chaos WAR
Dragon’s Touch Caster DPS, HEAL
Dragonbreath Hand Cannon  
Dragonfang Blade  
Drake Fang Talisman ROGUE & WAR
Drake Talon Cleaver Fury WAR, Enh SHAM
Drake Talon Pauldrons Threat MT, WAR
Ebony Flame Gloves  
Elementium Reinforced Bulwark Beef MT, TANK
Elementium Threaded Cloak  
Emberweave Leggings TANK
Empowered Leggings HEAL
Firemaw’s Clutch  
Girdle of the Fallen Crusader Shard
Gloves of Rapid Evolution Shard
Head of Nefarian All Physical
Heartstriker TANK, Fury WAR, ROGUE
Helm of Endless Rage Fury WAR (PvP), TANK
Herald of Woe  
Legguards of the Fallen Crusader TANK
Lok’amir il Romathis Resto DRUID, rSHAM, sPRIEST
Maladath, Runed Blade of the Black Flight ROGUE, DW Fury WAR
Malfurion’s Blessed Bulwark  
Mantle of the Blackwing Cabal Caster DPS
Mish’undare, Circlet of the Mind Flayer Caster DPS, HEAL
Neltharion’s Tear MAGE, LOCK
Pendant of the Fallen Dragon HEALERS
Prestor’s Talisman of Connivery ROGUE, Bear DRUID, HUNT, Enh SHAM
Primalist’s Linked Legguards Shard
Primalist’s Linked Waistguard  
Pure Elementium Band RDruid, Priest
Red Dragonscale Protector Resto SHAM
Rejuvenating Gem HEALERS
Ring of Blackrock HEALERS
Shadow Wing Focus Staff CASTERS
Shimmering Geta HEALERS
Shroud of Pure Thought HEALERS
Staff of the Shadow Flame MAGE, LOCK (someone without mage blade)
Styleen’s Impeding Scarab Beef MT, Threat MT
Taut Dragonhide Belt  
Taut Dragonhide Gloves Open, Shard
Taut Dragonhide Shoulderpads  
The Untamed Blade 2h Fury WAR
Therazane’s Link  
Boots of Pure Thought HEAL
Band of Dark Dominion LOCK, sPRIEST
Ringo’s Blizzard Boots MAGE
Essence Gatherer PRIEST
Lifegiving Gem  
Cloak of Draconic Might Fury, Tanks, Enh Sham
Doom’s Edge Fury WAR
Draconic Maul Bear DRUID, PvP